Friday, March 19, 2010

50's Sock Hop

Friday night was the 50's Sock Hop at the elementary school. I took Carlin and Miranda. Kylie and Warren spent the evening together doing something else. They had a lot of fun with their friends. They had a cake walk (we weren't lucky enough to win anything), limbo, hoola hoop, and bubble gum blowing contests. Here are some pics of the evening.

Alyssa and Carlin posing before we get there.

Anna and Miranda

Some of the amazing decor.

posing with friends before we go in.

Alyssa and Carlin with their guitars

drinking root beer floats

Haley, Carlin and Alyssa stopping for a pose.

Another group shot. Alyssa, Carlin, Noah, Haley, Katie and Dylan.

Anna and Mirand with their guitars.

Hoola hoop contest. Both girls made it to the 2nd round.

Another group pic. Alyssa, Sarah, Lacy and Carlin

Dancing videos

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